Dr. A.V.Rama Krishna
Designation: Associate Professor (Maths)
Date of Birth:15-07-71
Date of Joining:16-09-02
Total teaching experience in this college: 22 Years and 5 Months.
Total experience : 29 Years and 7 Months. (as on 06-03-2025)
Research Interests: Algebra
Scopus Citations: Click here
Publons Citations (Web of Science): Click here
Google Scholar Citations: Click here
Vidwan: click here
Qualifications:Ph.D., Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.
M.Phil., Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
M.Sc., PB Siddhartha Arts College, ANU Affiliated, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
B.Sc., JKC College, ANU Affiliated, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
PGDCA., Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India.
YIC(Yoga Instructors Course) conducted by VYASA, Bangalore.
Details of Publications
- Near ring Multiplications on a Modified Near Module Over a Near ring, European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, pp.126-134, Volume14, Issue:1, Jan2021.
- Turning Near rings into New Near rings, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, pp. 1199-1206, Volume15, Issue:4, Oct 2020.
- Incorporating Yoga in Education Improves SQ Level of A Student: With Respect to Indian Psychology, International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences, pp. 141-143 Volume: 7, Issue: 2; Dec 2018
- On Topological Near Algebras, Jnanabha, published by Vijnana Parishad of India, pp. 115-124, vol 45, 2015.
- "Embedding a Near ring in a Near ring of Right Fractions - A New Construction", Mathematical Sciences International ResearchJournal, pp450-452, vol4, 2015.
- On Modified Near Algebras, International Journal of Mathematics Trends Technology, pp.71-73, vol 27(2), 2015.
- Some results on Certain Symmetric Circulant Matrices, Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences, pp.81-86, vol 7(2), 2015.
- On Embedding a Semigroup in a Group, Resonance, A Journal of Science Education, pp. 740-752, Vol 19(8), 2014.
- Near Relatives of Homogeneous Maps, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics,pp.543-554, Vol 38(4), 2014.
- Normed Near Algebras Through Semilinear Maps, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, pp.895-901, Vol 37(6), 2013.
- On One sided Ideals of Near -ring Structures On Euclidean Spaces, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, pp.585-590, Vol 37(4), 2013.
- Symmetric Circulant Matrices andPublickey Cryptography, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences, pp. 589-593, Vol.8, No.12, 2013.
- Completed NPTEL internship at IISc, Bangalore under advisor Prof.N.J.Rao between December15, 2021 and January 15, 2022 in 'Teaching and Learning General Programs:TALG'
- Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Research Confront and Document Preparation Using Latex" from 2021-08-02 to 2021-08-06 at National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra
- Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Educational Technology - Integration and Interaction" from 2021-6-6 to 2021-6-10 at Aligarh Muslim University Centre, Malapuram.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Program for the course on "Computer Science & Business Systems" designed by Tata Consultancy Services conducted at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, from 15thJuly to 17th July 2019.
- Undergone a two day "Training Programme On Internal Audits of ISO 9001 Quality Management System(ISO 9001:2015)" conducted during 17th and 18th June 2019 at RVR&JC College of Engineering, Chowdavaram, Guntur.
- Attended a Two-week workshop on English communication by Andhra Pradesh Higher Education and British Council in two slots between 10-14 and 24-28 July2017.
- Presented a poster titled"Incorporating Yoga in Education Improves SQ level of a Student : With respect to Indian Psychology" at the Symposium on 'Yoga and Indian Psychology" held on 25thJune, 2017 at National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences(NIMHANS), Bangalore.
- Attended a Two-day National workshop on "FREE AND OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE IN TEACHING AND LEARNING" at NIT, Warangal during 4th and 5th March, 2017.
- Presented a paper "Turning Near rings into New Near rings " in the 81st annual conference of Indian Mathematical Society, organized by the Department of mathematics, NIT Nagpur during 27th -30th December, 2015.
- Presented a paper "On Strong Near Algebras" in the UGC sponsored One-Day National Conference on 'Advances in Mathematical Sciences' organized by the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, K.B.N.College, Vijayawada on 28th November, 2015.
- Presented a paper "Response of Exponential Outputs to Exponential Inputs in Discrete Time Systems" in the UGC sponsored Two-Day National Conference organized by the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, K.B.N.College, Vijayawada, February 19 - 20, 2015.
- Presented a paper "Some results on Certain Symmetric Circulant Matrices" in the UGC sponsored Two-Day National Seminar organized by Department of Mathematics, A.C. Colege, Guntur, 10-11 December, 2014.
- Attended one day workshop on "Optimization Techniques and its Applications" organized by Department of B.S & H, Gudlavalleru Engineering College on 13th Sepetember, 2014.
- Presented a paper , "Near Multiplications on Groups and Lattices" International conference on Algebra and its Applications, organized by department of mathematics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, during 29th April to 1st May 2014.
- Participated in the National workshop on "Applications of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations in Engineering" on 28th December, 2013 organised by the Dept. of Mathematics, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad.
- Presented a paper, "A Class of Symmetric Circulant Matrices in Public key cryptography" in the two day conference on Modelling Ideas From Mathematics for Advancement In Science & Technology at Vijaya Engineering College , Khammam, during 12th and13th October, 2012.
- Presented a paper, "On One Sided Ideals of n- dimensional Euclidean Near-rings" at the XX congress of APSMS-2011 and a national conference on Mathematical Modelling & Simulation organized by SBIT, Khammam, during 9th -13th December, 2011.
- Attended Five day "Faculty enablement Program-Aptitude" Conducted IEG - JKC & Globarena Technologies Pvt.Ltd from 10-14 November, 2008 at Acharya Nagarjuna University.
- Participated in the Workshop on " Recent trends in Mathematics and its Applications in Engineering" on 17th September 2005 Organized by Dept. of Freshman Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah College of Engineering, Vaddeswaram, Guntur.
- 'Accreditation and Outcome Based Learning', conducted by IIT Kharagpur, during July-Sep 2021
- 'Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice', conducted by IIT Kharagpur, during Aug-Oct 2021
- 'Learning Analytics Tools', conducted by IIT Bombay, during Jul-Oct 2021
- 'Introduction to Professional Science Communication', conducted by IIT Kanpur, during Jan-Feb 2021
- 'Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice', conducted by IIT Madras, during Jan-Feb 2021
- 'Data Science for Engineers, conducted by IIT Madras', during Sep-Nov 2020
- 'Essential Mathematics for Machine Learning', conducted by IIT Roorkee, during Sep-Nov 2020
- 'Designing learner-centric e-learning in STEM disciplines', conducted by IIT Bombay, during Sep-Oct 2020
- 'Matrix Analysis with Applications', conducted by IIT Roorkee, during Sep-Nov 2020
- 'Introduction to Abstract and Linear Algebra', conducted by IIT Kharagpur, during Aug-Oct 2019
- 'A Short Lecture Series on Contour Integration in the Complex Plane', conducted by IISc Bangalore, during July-Aug 2019
- 'Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG', conducted by IISc Bangalore, during July-Aug 2019
- Obtained SWAYAM-NPTEL domain certificate in the discipline 'Faculty Domain-Advanced' in December 2021.
- Life member in Andhra Pradesh Society for Mathematical Sciences(APSMS).
- Life member in Vijnana Parishad of India(Society for Applications of Mathematics).
- Life Member in Indian Mathematical Society.
EMail: avrk [at] rvrjcce.ac.in
Phones: +91 8632288254 Ext: 722