Dr. Boyapati Srinivasa Rao
Designation:Professor (Statistics)
Date of Birth:10-03-74
Date of Joining:05-11-96
Research Interests: Quality Control, Reliability, Statistical Inference
Ph.D., Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
M.Phil., Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
M.Sc., Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
B.Sc., JKC College, ANU Affiliated College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Total teaching experience in this college: 28 Years and 4 Months.
Total experience : 28 Years and 4 Months. (as on 11-03-2025)
Research Guidance:
Ph.D : 5 (Awarded)
- "Some statistical quality control methods based on Dagum Distribution" by P.Sricharani on 19-02-2021.
- "Study of the new Weibull-Pareto Distribution with reference to some statistical quality control methods" by N.V.R.Lakshmi Kancharla on 09-12-2021.
- "Study of some statistical quality control methods based on the new weighted exponential distribution" by Anil Arepalli on 08-08-2022.
- "Some statistical quality control methods and sampling plans based on the exponentiated inverted weibull distribution" by R.Bala Suseela Vetcha on 10-11-2022.
- "A study of quality control methods for Gumbel distribution" by Chinnamamba Cheepuri on 10-11-2022.
- "Quality control methods for Exponentiated Inverse Kumaraswamy Distribution" by M.Rami reddy.
- "Control charts and sampling plans based on Exponentiated Inverted Weibull distribution" by R.Bala Suseela Vetcha on 20-02-2017.
- "Control charts and sampling plans based on New-Weibull Pareto distribution" by N.V.R.Lakshmi Kancharla on 10-05-2017.

Paper Publications in Journals:
- B.Srinivasa Rao, U. Ramkiran, R.R.L.Kantam, "Extreme Value Chart and Analysis of Means based on Linear Failure Rate Distribution",Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran, 33(3): 259-266 (2022) [ISSN: 1016-1104] (Scopus)
- B.Srinivasa Rao, V.R.Bala Suseela, "Variable Limits and Control Charts Based on Exponentiated Inverted Weibull Distrinbution",International Journal of Stastistics and Reliability Engineering, Vol. 9(2), pp: 255-261 (2022) [ISSN: 2350-0174] (UGC Approved)
- B.Srinivasa Rao, K.Rosaiah, P.Jyothi., "Analysis of Means based on New Rayleigh Pareto Distribution",Journal of Information & Computational Science, 12(10), 2022, pp.121-143,[ISSN:1548-7741]
- B.Srinivasa Rao, C.Chinnamamba, J.PratapaReddy, K.Rosaiah., "Extreme Value Charts and ANOM based on Gumbel Distribution", International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, 10(6), June2022, pp.2777-2784,[ISSN:2320-7167].
- B.Srinivasa Rao, V.R.Bala Suseela., "A Hybrid Group Acceptance sampling plans for life tests based on the exponentiated inverted weibull distribution", Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, 21(5), 2022, pp.2545-2558,[ISSN:0974-6803]
- Anil. A, B.Srinivasa Rao, "A Hybrid Group Acceptance sampling plans for life tests based on the new-weighted exponential distribution", International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 61(2), 2022,[ISSN:0973-1377]. (Web Of Science)
- Anil. A, B.Srinivasa Rao, "Time Control charts through NHPP based on the new Weighted Exponential distribution", Advances and Applications in Statistics, 72, 2022,[ISSN:0972-3617](Web of Science).
- B.Srinivasa Rao, M.Rami Reddy, K.Rosaiah, "Extreme Value Charts & Analysis of Means based on Exponentiated Inverse Kumaraswamy distribution", Statistical Modeling & Applications, 26(3), Dec 2021, pp.1-16,[ISSN:0972-3641]. (UGC approved).
- Ramkiran.U, B.Srinivasa Rao, Ravikumar.M.S, "Estimation in Linear Failure Rate Distribution: Auxiliary Function Approach", The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis, 13(12), Dec, 2021,[ISSN:0086-9367].
- Anil. A, B.Srinivasa Rao, "Extreme Value Charts & Analysis of Means based on New Weighted Exponential distribution", Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, 23(11), 2021,pp.825-836,[ISSN:1007-6735].
- B.Srinivasa Rao, C.Chinnamamba, K.Rosaiah., "Acceptance sampling plans for percentiles of Gumbel distribution", Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, 62(2), 2021, pp.113-130,[ISSN:0972-0863].
- B.Srinivasa Rao, Anil.A, "Variable control charts based on percentiles of the new Exponential weighted distribution", International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management, 7(3), June 2021, pp.153-160, [ISSN:2454-9150]
- B.Srinivasa Rao, V.R.Bala Suseela,"Group Acceptance sampling plans for life tests based on the Exponentiated Inverted Weibull distribution", European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 08(02), 2021,[ISSN:2515-8260].
- B.Srinivasa Rao, V.R.Bala Suseela,"Acceptance sampling plans for percentiles of Exponentiated Inverted Weibull distribution", International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews, 08(03), August-2021,[ISSN:2348-1269].
- K.Rosaiah, B.Srinivasa Rao, P.Jyothi, "Variable control charts based on the percentiles of the new Rayleigh-Pareto distribution", International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, 6(3) 2021, pp.122-131,[ISSN:2456-1452]
- K.N.V.R.Lakshmi, B.Srinivasa Rao, "A Hybrid Group Acceptance sampling plans for the percentiles of the new-weighted exponential distribution", International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management 7(3), June 2021, pp.65-72,[ISSN:2454-9150]
- B.Srinivasa Rao, K.N.V.R.Lakshmi, "Analysis of Means(ANOM) based on New-weibull Pareto distribution", International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews 8(2), June 2021, pp.481-491, [ISSN:2349-5138]
- B.Srinivasa Rao, Anil. A, "Acceptance sampling plans for the percentiles of the new-weighted exponential distribution", Journal of Information & Computational Science, 11(5), 2021, pp.456-469,[ISSN:1548-7741]
- B.Srinivasa Rao, K.N.V.R.Lakshmi, "Acceptance sampling plans for the percentiles of the new-Weibull Pareto distribution", Journal of Information & Computational Science, 11(6) 2021, pp.180-195,[ISSN:1548-7741]
- B.Srinivasa Rao, K.N.V.R.Lakshmi, "Group Acceptance sampling plans for life tests based on New-weibull Pareto distribution", International Journal of Statistics & Economics, 22(1), 2021, pp.76-86,[ISSN:0973-7022]
- P.Sricharani, B.Srinivasa Rao, "Variable control charts based on Dagum distribution Research" Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, 7(3), Sept.2019, pp.1-8,[ISSN:2320-6047]
- K.Rosaiah, B.Srinivasa Rao, M.Rami Reddy, "Variable control charts based on percentiles of Exponentiated Inverse Kumaraswamy distribution", Journal of Information and Computational Science 9(10) 2019 pp.841-854,[ISSN:1548-7741]
- K.Rosaiah, B.Srinivasa Rao, J.Pratapa Reddy, C.Chinnamamba, "Variable control charts for Gumbel distribution based on percentiles", Journal of Computer and Mathematical science 9(12), Dec, 2018, pp.1890-1897,[ISSN:0976-5727] 63061 1.655
- B.Srinivasa Rao, P.Sricharani, "Discriminating between Dagum distribution and Burr-III distribution", International Journal of Scientific research in Mathematical and Statistical sciences, 5(5), 2018, pp.104-107,[ISSN:2348-4519] 63061 1.021
- B.Srinivasa Rao, P.Sricharani, "Dagum distribution-A two step parametric estimation", Journal of Statistics: Advances in Theory and Applications, 20(1), 2018, pp. 67-75, [ISSN:0975-1262]
- B.Srinivasa Rao, P. Sricharani, M.S. Ravikumar, "Limited Failure Censored Life Test Sampling Plan in Dagum Distribution", American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 6(5), 2018, pp.181-185, [ISSN:2328-7306]
- B.Srinivasa Rao , P.Sricharani, "Time Control Charts through NHPP based on Dagum Distribution ", International Journal of Analysis and Applications, 16(3), 2018, pp. 328-339,[ISSN:2291-86392] (Web Of Science)
- B.Srinivasa Rao, P.Sricharani, "Extreme value charts and Analysis of means based on Dagum distribution", International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, 3,(2),2018, pp. 351-354, [ISSN:2456-1452]
- B.Srinivasa Rao, K.Rosaiah, I.L.Srinivas,"Exponential-Generalised Half Logistic Additive Failure Rate Model: An Inferential Study", ProbStat Forum, 10,July,2017,pp.63-70., [ISSN:0974-3235].
- B.Hari Babu, B.K.S.P.Rao,B.Srinivasa Rao,"Role of Depositories in Indian capital market - A comparative study between NSDL and CDSL",International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,6(12),Dec ,2016,pp. 135-141,[ISSN:2250-3153].
- B.Hari Babu, B.K.S.P.Rao,B.Srinivasa Rao,"Financial performance of Indian Depositories: A comparative study between NSDL and CDSL", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Management studies,4 (11),Nov ,2016,pp. 65-81.,[2321-7782].
- B.Srinivasa Rao, C.Srinivas Kumar and K.Rosaiah, "Variable Limits and Control Charts based on Half Normal Distribution" , Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.44, No.5, Sept.2016, pp-1878-1884,[ISSN:0090-3973].(Web Of Science & Scopus)
- B.Srinivasa Rao, and G.Srinivasa Rao, "Two-stage group acceptance sampling plan for resubmitted lots based on Half logistic distribution", Model Assisted Statistics & Applications, Vol 11, No.3, 2016, pp.203-211.(Scopus)
- B.Srinivasa Rao, Suleman Nasiru and K.N.V.R.Lakshmi, "Variable Control Charts based on Percentiles of the New Weibull-Pareto distribution", Pakisthan Journal of Statistics and Operations Research, Vol.11,No.4,2015, pp:631-643[ISBN: 1816-2711].(Web Of Science& Scopus)
- B.Srinivasa Rao, Ch.Srinivas Kumar, "Variable Control Charts based on Exponential Gamma Distribution", Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, Vol.8,No.1,2015, pp:57-66[ISBN: 2070-5948].(Web Of Science& Scopus)
- B.Srinivasa Rao, Ch.Srinivas Kumar and K.Rosaiah " Group Acceptance sampling plans for life tests based on percentiles of Half Normal distribution", Srilankan Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol.15,No.3,2014, pp:221-231[ISBN: 1391-4987].
- G.Srinivasa Rao, B.Srinivasa Rao, "Group Acceptance Sampling Plans for Resubmitted Lots for Life Tests based on Half Logistic Distribution", Journal of Data Science, Vol.12,2014, pp:647-660.
- B.Srinivasa Rao, A.N. Durgamamba and R. Subba Rao, "Variable Control Charts based on Percentiles of Size Biased Lomax Distribution", ProbStat Forum Vol.7,2014, pp:55-64, [ISSN: 0974-3235].
- B.Srinivasa Rao, M. Ch. Priya and R.R.L. Kantam, "Acceptance sampling plans for percentiles assuming the Linear Failure Rate distribution", Economic Quality Control, Vol.29,2014, pp:1-9,[ISSN: 0940-5151].
- B.Srinivasa Rao and R.R.L.Kantam "Discriminating between Log-logistic and Rayleigh Distributions", Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operations Research Vol.10,No.1, 2014, pp. 1-7,[ISSN:1816-2711 ].(Web Of Science& Scopus)
- K.Rosaiah, M.Maruthi Nagarjuna, D.C.U.Siva Kumar,B.Srinivasa Rao, "Exponential-Log logistic Additive Failure Rate Model", International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Vol.4 ,No.3. Mar 2014,[ISSN: 2250-3153].
- B.Srinivasa Rao and R.R.L.Kantam "Discriminating between Generalized Exponential Distribution and some life test models based on Quantiles", Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods Vol 12, No.2 , Nov, 2013, pp: 336-343[ISSN:1538-9472].
- T.Sreenivas, B.Srinivasa Rao, U.Srinivasa Rao,"An analysis on marketing mix in hospitals", International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social sciences,2(4),April,2013, pp:187-207,[2278-6236].(Web Of Science& Scopus)
- T.Sreenivas, B.Srinivasa Rao, U.Srinivasa Rao " 7Ps in Corporate hospitals-Administrators' Perspective", African Journal of Business Management,Vol.7, No.43, Nov l,2013, pp:14363-4379m,[ISSN: 1993-8233]
- B.Srinivasa Rao, Ch.Srinivas Kumar and K.Rosaiah, " Acceptance sampling plans form life tests based on percentiles of Half Normal distribution", Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering Vol.2013,2013, pp:1-7[ISSN: 1099-1638].(Scopus)
- B.Srinivasa Rao, R.R.L.Kantam, K.Rosaiah and M.Sridhar Babu, "Exponential-Gamma Additive failure rate model", Journal of Safety Engineering Vol.2,No.2A 2013, pp:1-6[ISSN:2325-0003].
- B.Srinivasa Rao, Ch.Srinivas Kumar, R.R.L.Kantam and K.Rosaiah, "Discriminating between Half Normal and Half Logistic Distributions", International Journal of Computer Information Systems Vol 7, No.4, Oct, 2013, pp:59-63 [ISSN: 2229-5208].
- B.Srinivasa Rao and R.R.L.Kantam "Acceptance sampling plans for percentiles of Half Logistic Distribution", International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering Vol.20, No.5, 2013, pp: 1-13 [ISSN: 1793-6446].(Web Of Science& Scopus)
- B.Srinivasa Rao, T.Sreenivas, U.Srinivasa Rao, " Effectiveness of service delivery in Cardiology based corporate hospitals", International Journal of Management and Business Research , Vol.3 ,No.1, 2013, pp:1-12 [ISSN: 2228-7027].
- B.Vara Prasad Rao, K.Gangadhara Rao and B.Srinivasa Rao, "Inverse Rayleigh Software Reliability Growth Model", International Journal of Computer Applications Vol.75,No.6,Aug,2013.[ISSN:0975-8887].
- B.Srinivasa Rao, S. Nagendram and K.Rosaiah, "Exponential-Half Logistic Additive failure rate model", International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications Vol.3 ,No.5 ,May,2013. [ISSN: 2250-3153].
- T.Sreenivas, B.Srinivasa Rao, U.Srinivasa Rao, "An Analysis on Marketing Mix in Hospitals", International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, Vol.2 ,No.4 ,April,2013, pp:187-207 [ISSN: 2278-6236].
- B.Srinivasa Rao, R.R.L.Kantam and J.Pratapa Reddy, "Variable Control Charts based on Inverse Rayleigh Distribution", Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics Vol.8,No.1,2013,pp:46-57 [ISSN: 1930-6792].(Scopus)
- K.Rosaiah, R.R.L.Kantam, B.Srinivasa Rao, "Variable control Charts for Half Logistic Distribution", International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences. Vol.8,No.2, 2012, pp.367-375 [ISSN: 0973-1903].
- B.Srinivasa Rao, J.Pratapa Reddy, G. Sarath Babu, "Extreme Value Charts and Analysis of Means(ANOM) based on Log Logistic Distribution", Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods. Vol.11,No.2, Nov,2012,pp:493-505 [ISSN: 1538-9472].(Web Of Science& Scopus)
- B.Srinivasa Rao, G. Sarath Babu, "Variable control Charts based on Linear Failure Rate Model", International Journal of Statistics and Systems, Vol.7,No.3, 2012, pp.331-341 [ISSN:0973-2675].
- B.Srinivasa Rao, J.Pratapa Reddy, K.Rosaiah, "Extreme Value Charts and Anom Based on Inverse Rayleigh Distribution", Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operations Research, Vol.8,No.4, 2012, pp759-766 [ISSN:1816-2711 ].(Web Of Science& Scopus)
- B.Srinivasa Rao, R.R.L.Kantam, "Mean and Range Charts for Skewed distributions- A comparison based on Half Logistic Distribution", Pakistan Journal of Statistics,Vol.28,No.4,2012,pp.437-444 [ISSN: 1012-9367].(Web Of Science& Scopus)
- B.Srinivasa Rao, R.R.L.Kantam, "Extreme Value Charts and Analysis of Means based on Half Logistic Distribution", International Journal of Quality, Reliability and Management Vol.29,No.5, 2012, pp.501-511 [ISSN: 0265-671X].(Web Of Science& Scopus)
- B.Srinivasa Rao, B.Vara Prasad Rao, R.R.L.Kantam, "Software Reliability Growth Model based on Half Logistic Distribution", Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.39, No.6 , 2011. pp.1152-1157 [ISSN:0090-3973].(Web Of Science& Scopus)
- B.Srinivasa Rao, R.R.L.Kantam, "Significance Test for Half Logistic Distribution", Economic Quality Control,Vol.26,2011, pp. 53-62,[ISSN: 0940-5151].
- N.V.V.S.Sudheer, K.V.J.Rao, B.Srinivasa Rao, " Investigation on Influence of Refrigerated Air in Turning of Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite",International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.6,No.5,2011,pp.931-938 [ISSN:0973-4562].
- R.R.L.Kantam,B.Srinivasa Rao, "An Improved Dispersion Control Charts for Process Variate" , International Journal of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, Jan-Jun 2010, Vol.1,No.1 pp 20-24. [ISSN: 0973-5739].
- K.Rosaiah, R.R.L.Kantam, B.Srinivasa Rao, "Reliability Test Plan for Half Logistic Distribution", Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin, Vo1.61 (Spl.Vol.), Nos:241-244,2009, pp:183-196. [ISSN: 0008-0683].
Guest Lectures Delivered:
- Delivered a lecture on "Concepts of Statistical distributions, Hypothesis testing & One-way and Two-way analysis of variance" in AICTE sponsored two-week online FDP on "Research Methodology" held on 10-12-2020in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur.
- Delivered a guest lecture for a two-day workshop on the topic "Predictive Analytics" on 26-08-2016 and 27-08-2016 in the Department of Management QIS College of Engineering & Technology, Ongole.
- Presented an Invited talk entitled " Software Reliability based on various distributions" on 27-03-2015 and 28-03-2015 in the UGC sponsored National seminar on Research Challenges and Issues in Bid data and cloud computing organized by the Department of Computer Applications (MCA), Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa.
- Delivered a guest lecture as a resource person of two-day workshop pn the topic "Advanced Statistics for Hypothesis Testing" on 11/7/2014 and 12/7/2014 in the department of Management, QIS College of Engineering, Ongole.
- Delivered a guest lecture on the topic "SPSS " on 04-05-2012 in the Department of Management , QIS , Ongole.
- Delivered a guest lecture on the topic "Inference, Quality Control and Software Reliability" on 13-08-2010 in the Department of Information Technology , P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology , Vijayawada.
- Attended a two-day International Conference on Applied Science and Technology organized by Centre for Research and Development, SRKR College of Engineering, Bhimavaram on epartment of Statistics, Acharya Nagarjuna University on 24th and 25th January 2018 and presented a paper titled "Two sep estimation in Dagum Distribution".
- Attended a two-day National Seminar on SQC, Reliability, Design of Experiments and Operations Research organized by Department of Statistics, Acharya Nagarjuna University on 23rd and 24th Feb. 2017 and presented a paper titled "Extreme Value Charts and Analysis of Means based on Dagum Distribution".
- Attended a National Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences at KBN College, Vijayawada on 28/11/2015 and presented a paper titled "A Hybrid Group Acceptance Sampling Plans based on Half Logistic Distribution"
- Attended 34th Annual Conference of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS) held at Sri Venkateswara University,Tirupati during November 30-Dec 2, 2014 and presented a paper titled "Variable Control Charts based on Dagum Distribution".
- Attended 33rd Annual Conference of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS) held at Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad, during December 26-28, 2013 and presented a paper titled "Discriminating between log-logistic and Rayleigh distributions".
- Attended 33rd Annual Conference of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS) held at Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad, during December 26-28, 2013 and presented a paper titled "Extreme value charts and Analysis of Means based on half normal distribution".
- Attended 32nd Annual Conference of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS) held at Pondicherry University during December 21-23, 2012 and presented a paper titled "Discriminating between some life test models based on population quantiles".
- Attended 23rd Annual Conference of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS) held at Acharya Nagarjuna University during December 18-20, 2003 and presented a paper titled "Some variable control charts using Order Statistics in Half Logistic Distribution.
- Participated in the National Seminar on Recent Developments in Statistical Science and presented a paper on "Variable Control Chart Constants" organized by Department of Statistics, Nagarjuna University on 22nd and 23rd December 2005 at Nagarjuna University, Guntur-10.
Seminars & Workshops participated:
- Participated in a two-day training programme on " Internal Audits of ISO 9001 Quality Management System(ISO 9001:2015) " held at RVR & JC College of Enginering, during 17-06-2019 and 18-06-2019 organized by Center for Human Resource Development, Hyderabad.
- Participated in a one-day workshop on " Moodle Learning Management System " held at RVR & JC College of Enginering, on 15-03-2019 organized by Teaching Learning Center (ICT) of IIT Bombay.
- Participated in a hands on two-day workshop on "Statistical Data Analysis using R" organized by Department of Mathematics, VIT-AP, held on 8th and 9th December 2018
- Participated in a two-day workshop on "Scilab, Open Modelica, R and LaTex" organized by Teaching - Learning Centre - NIT, Warangal during on 4th and 5th March 2017.
- Participated in a one-day workshop on "Statistical Computation with R" organized by Department of Statistics, Acharya Nagarjuna University on 22nd Feb.2017.
- Participated in the workshop on "Big Data Analytics" organized by Indian Society for Probability and Statistics(ISPS) during 27th-3oth November 2014 held at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.
- Participated in the National workshop on "Latest Developments in Algebra and its Applications" organized by Department of Mathematics, TJPS College, Guntur during 24th-25th November 2014.
- Participated in the workshop on "Design of Experiments & Operations Research" organized by Department of Statistics, Nagarjuna University on 8th and 9th December 2011 held at Nagarjuna University, Guntur-10.
- Participated in the workshop on "Linear Models & Data Mining (LMDM)" organized by Department of Statistics, Nagarjuna University on 17th December 2003 held at Nagarjuna University, Guntur-10.
- Participated in the seminar on "Productivity Challenges of 21st Century" organized by Departments of Management Sciences and Industrial & Production Engineering in association with National Productivity Council, New Delhi on 27th and 28th August 1998 held at R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering, Guntur-19.
- Participated in the seminar on "Corporate Frauds: Implications for Governance" organized by Department of Management Sciences 4th and 5th October 2002 held at R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering, Guntur-19.
Faculty Improvement Programme attended:
- Attended a one-week Faculty Development Programme on "OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION & BLOOM'S TAXONOMY" Organised by Rama Krishna Mission,Vivekananda Centenary College,Kolkata,from 08-11-2021 to 15-11-2021.
- Attended a five day Faculty Development Programme on "DATA SCIENCE WITH STATISTICAL METHODS USING R PROGRAMMING" organized by Amity Universtiy, Lucknow 21-06-2021 to 25-06-2021.
- Attended a 20-days y Faculty Development Program on "R-Programming" organized by Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) during 07-09-2020 to 05-10-2020.
- Attended a three day Faculty Development Programme on "COMPUTER SCIENCE & BUSINESS SYSTEMS" organized by Tata Consultancy Services conducted at ISI, Kolkata during 15-07-2019 to 17-07-2019.
- Attended a six day Faculty Development Programme on "SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATIONS WITH PYTHON" organized by Department of CSE and Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal during 20-11-2018 to 25-11-2018.
- Attended a pne week short term course on "OPTIMIZATION using MATLAB" organized by NITT- Chandigarh during 17-07-2017 to 21-07-2017 conducted at Mechanical Engineering Department, R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering, Guntur.
- Attended a six day Faculty Development Programme on "STATISTICS with R" organized by Department of CSE, NIT Warangal during 26 -11-2016 to 1-12-2016.
- Attended six day faculty enablement program conducted by IEG-JKC & Globarena Technologies Pvt.Ltd from 04-02-2008 to 09-02-2008.
- Completed three week Induction Training Programme in Engineering from 28-10-1999 to 17-11-1999 organized by Academic Staff College , Pondicherry University, Pondicherry and sponsored by AICTE.
Book Publications:
One of the authors of the book "Computer Programming with C" published by the Centre for Distance Education, Acharya Nagarjuna University.
Computer Knowledge:C-Programming,LateX, SPSS, R-Programming.
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Member of ISPS
EMail: boyapatisrinu@yahoo.com, boyapatisrinu1@gmail.com, bsr@rvrjc.ac.in
Phones: 91+ 9849455266