Dr. K.Rajasekhar
Designation:Professor (Maths)
Date of Birth:18-06-57
Date of Joining:20-01-86
Total Experience:32
Research Interests: Algebra, Fluid Mechanics
Ph.D., Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, India
M.Phil., Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, India
M.Sc., Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, India
- "MHD Free Convection Fluid Flow Past: A Semi-Infinite Vertical Porous Plate with Heat Absorption and Chemical Reaction", International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 13(1) 2015, 525-540, ISSN0972-768.
- Radiation and Diffusion-Thermo Effects on Mhd Flow past an Infinite Vertical Porous Plate in the Presence of a Chemical Reaction : Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences (An International Research Journal) volume 4,Issue4 Aug 2013.
- Chemical Reaction And Radiation Effects On MHD Free Convective Flow Past An Exponentially Accelerated Vertical Plate With Variable Temperature And Variable Mass Diffusion: International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.907-913.
- Unsteady MHD free convective flow past a semi-infinite vertical porous plate: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.5, Sep.-Oct. 2012 pp-3123-3127.
- Chemically Reacting on MHD Oscillatory Slip Flow in a Planer Channel with varying Temperature and Concentration: Pelagia Research Library, Advances in Applied Science Research, 2012, 3 (5):2652-2659.
- Effects of velocity strip in lubrication of roller bearings under lightly loaded conditions: Indian journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences.vol.3,no.2,Dec-2007.
- Effects of couple stresses and surface roughness on roller bearings under lightly loaded conditions: Indian Journal of Tribology,vol.2,no.1,Jan-June 2007.
- Effects of couple stresses and surface roughness on the film thickness of heavily loaded rollers: Industrial Lubrication and Tribology,vol.59,no.6,2007.
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Adavces in Mathematical Sciences on 28.11.2015,KBN College,Vijayawada.
- UGC Sponsored Two Day National Seminar on Recent Developments in Mathematis and its Applications from 22nd to 23rd December,2014,ANU,Guntur.
- XXIII Congress of APSMS & National Conference on Mathematics from 12th to 14th December,2014,Vignan's University,Guntur.
- National Seminar on Recent Trends in Mathematical Science and Future Prospects sponsored by UGC on 10th&11thDecember,2014,AC College,Guntur.
- Two day workshop on Computational Mechanics,15-16 July 2014, RVR & JC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GUNTUR, A.P INDIA.
- AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on Advances in Biomaterials for medical applications 14-15 March 2014, RVR & JC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GUNTUR, A.P INDIA.
- DST Sponsored National seminar on Futuristic Trends of Nano composites and their fabrication, 6-7 Sept, 2013, RVR & JC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GUNTUR, A.P INDIA.
- XXI congress & National conference on applications of Mathematics in engineering ,Physical and life sciences 7-9,Dec 2012,Sri SV University, Tirupati.
- National seminar on Resent trends in fluid mechanics, 14-15 March , 2012 Sri SV University, Tirupati.
- National seminar on Recent advances in Mathematics and its applications, 2-3 March 2012 in Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidlayam, Tirupati.
- Two day National seminar on Algebra and its applications, 5-6 Jan, 2006, ANU, Guntur.
- One day workshop ion Recent trends in Mathematics and its applications in Engineering, 17 Sept 2005, KLU, kunchanapalli.
- UGC Refresher course in Mathematics, 7-27, Sept2000, ANU, Guntur.
- AICTE-ISTE summer school on Data base management systems, 3-14, May1999, VIT, Vellore.
- Winter school on Design and analysis of experiments, 16-26, Feb1999, SQC&OR Unit, ISI, Hyderabad.
- Short term training program on Advanced Micro computer systems, 3-14, Aug1998 RVR & JC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GUNTUR, A.P INDIA.
- One day seminar on Service quality management 12 Sept, 1997 RVR & JC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GUNTUR, A.P INDIA.
- National seminar on Algebra sponsored by UGC, 18-20, Oct1996, ANU, Guntur.
- Refresher course in Statistics, 8th July -3rd August 1996, Andhra University, Waltair.
- State level Workshop & convention on EAMCET, 10th Dec 1995, Institute of Engineers (India), Vijayawada.
- One day seminar on Recent Advances in Mathematics 9th Nov1995, VRSEC, Vijayawada.
- Third congress of the Andhra Pradesh Society for Mathematical sciences 7-8Dec1989, ANU, Guntur.
- UGC sponsored All India seminar on some Advanced topics in computer science, 27-30 Sep 1986,Bishop Heber college, Tiruchinapalli.
- The international conference on the theory of Near-rings and its applications, 7-11, Jan 1985, ANU, Guntur.
- National seminar on Algebra and its applications, 5-9, March 1984, Anna university, MIT, Madras.
- Member of IAENG
- Member of ISTE
- Member of APSMS
EMail: rskandi [at] rvrjcce.ac.in
Phones: +91 8632288201 Ext: 292 (O)
+91 8632352254(R)