Dr. K.Rajasekhar

Designation:Professor (Maths)

Date of Birth:18-06-57
Date of Joining:20-01-86
Total Experience:32
Research Interests: Algebra, Fluid Mechanics

Ph.D., Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, India
M.Phil., Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, India
M.Sc., Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, India


  1. "MHD Free Convection Fluid Flow Past: A Semi-Infinite Vertical Porous Plate with Heat Absorption and Chemical Reaction", International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 13(1) 2015, 525-540, ISSN0972-768.
  2. Radiation and Diffusion-Thermo Effects on Mhd Flow past an Infinite Vertical Porous Plate in the Presence of a Chemical Reaction : Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences (An International Research Journal) volume 4,Issue4 Aug 2013.
  3. Chemical Reaction And Radiation Effects On MHD Free Convective Flow Past An Exponentially Accelerated Vertical Plate With Variable Temperature And Variable Mass Diffusion: International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.907-913.
  4. Unsteady MHD free convective flow past a semi-infinite vertical porous plate: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.5, Sep.-Oct. 2012 pp-3123-3127.
  5. Chemically Reacting on MHD Oscillatory Slip Flow in a Planer Channel with varying Temperature and Concentration: Pelagia Research Library, Advances in Applied Science Research, 2012, 3 (5):2652-2659.
  6. Effects of velocity strip in lubrication of roller bearings under lightly loaded conditions: Indian journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences.vol.3,no.2,Dec-2007.
  7. Effects of couple stresses and surface roughness on roller bearings under lightly loaded conditions: Indian Journal of Tribology,vol.2,no.1,Jan-June 2007.
  8. Effects of couple stresses and surface roughness on the film thickness of heavily loaded rollers: Industrial Lubrication and Tribology,vol.59,no.6,2007.
Workshops / Seminars / Courses Participated:
  1. UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Adavces in Mathematical Sciences on 28.11.2015,KBN College,Vijayawada.
  2. UGC Sponsored Two Day National Seminar on Recent Developments in Mathematis and its Applications from 22nd to 23rd December,2014,ANU,Guntur.
  3. XXIII Congress of APSMS & National Conference on Mathematics from 12th to 14th December,2014,Vignan's University,Guntur.
  4. National Seminar on Recent Trends in Mathematical Science and Future Prospects sponsored by UGC on 10th&11thDecember,2014,AC College,Guntur.
  5. Two day workshop on Computational Mechanics,15-16 July 2014, RVR & JC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GUNTUR, A.P INDIA.
  6. AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on Advances in Biomaterials for medical applications 14-15 March 2014, RVR & JC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GUNTUR, A.P INDIA.
  7. DST Sponsored National seminar on Futuristic Trends of Nano composites and their fabrication, 6-7 Sept, 2013, RVR & JC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GUNTUR, A.P INDIA.
  8. XXI congress & National conference on applications of Mathematics in engineering ,Physical and life sciences 7-9,Dec 2012,Sri SV University, Tirupati.
  9. National seminar on Resent trends in fluid mechanics, 14-15 March , 2012 Sri SV University, Tirupati.
  10. National seminar on Recent advances in Mathematics and its applications, 2-3 March 2012 in Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidlayam, Tirupati.
  11. Two day National seminar on Algebra and its applications, 5-6 Jan, 2006, ANU, Guntur.
  12. One day workshop ion Recent trends in Mathematics and its applications in Engineering, 17 Sept 2005, KLU, kunchanapalli.
  13. UGC Refresher course in Mathematics, 7-27, Sept2000, ANU, Guntur.
  14. AICTE-ISTE summer school on Data base management systems, 3-14, May1999, VIT, Vellore.
  15. Winter school on Design and analysis of experiments, 16-26, Feb1999, SQC&OR Unit, ISI, Hyderabad.
  16. Short term training program on Advanced Micro computer systems, 3-14, Aug1998 RVR & JC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GUNTUR, A.P INDIA.
  17. One day seminar on Service quality management 12 Sept, 1997 RVR & JC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GUNTUR, A.P INDIA.
  18. National seminar on Algebra sponsored by UGC, 18-20, Oct1996, ANU, Guntur.
  19. Refresher course in Statistics, 8th July -3rd August 1996, Andhra University, Waltair.
  20. State level Workshop & convention on EAMCET, 10th Dec 1995, Institute of Engineers (India), Vijayawada.
  21. One day seminar on Recent Advances in Mathematics 9th Nov1995, VRSEC, Vijayawada.
  22. Third congress of the Andhra Pradesh Society for Mathematical sciences 7-8Dec1989, ANU, Guntur.
  23. UGC sponsored All India seminar on some Advanced topics in computer science, 27-30 Sep 1986,Bishop Heber college, Tiruchinapalli.
  24. The international conference on the theory of Near-rings and its applications, 7-11, Jan 1985, ANU, Guntur.
  25. National seminar on Algebra and its applications, 5-9, March 1984, Anna university, MIT, Madras.
Membership of Professional Bodies
  1. Member of IAENG
  2. Member of ISTE
  3. Member of APSMS
Contact Details:
EMail: rskandi [at] rvrjcce.ac.in
Phones: +91 8632288201 Ext: 292 (O)
+91 8632352254(R)