Dr. Sujatha Kodali
Designation: Assistant Professor (English)
Date of Joining:09.07.2018
Total teaching experience in this college: 6 Years and 7 Months.
Total experience : 20 Years and 7 Months. (as on 06-03-2025)
Research Experience: 12 Years
Research Interests:ELT, ESP & OBT
- Ph.D. (English Language Teaching) from Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh
- CELTA - Cambridge English Level 5 Certificate from The University of Cambridge, London
- MHRM - Master of Human Resource management from ANU, Andhra Pradesh
- M.Phil. (English Language Translation) from Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu
- M.A. (English Language Literature) from ANU, Andhra Pradesh
- B. Com. from ANU, Andhra Pradesh
- 'Outcome Based Education in Teaching English for Specific Purposes: Issues and Challenges', in UGC-CARE approved Group-2 Journal INFOKARA, volume 9 issue 6, 2020(page no:132-139) DOI:16.10089.IR. 2020.V916.285311.3703
- 'Evaluating Writing Practice Using Cambridge English-Write & Improve: A Close Study on Select Employees of Yamyah IT Services, Andhra Pradesh', in IJIACS, volume 6 issue 11,2017(page no:649-652) ISSN:2347-8616
- 'Peer Evaluation Promotes Active Learning: An Experimental Study', in the text book 'English Language Teaching and Learning' ,2016(page no:196-199) ISBN: 978-81-7910-511-5
- 'Developing Communication Skills of Engineering Graduates through Project Work: An Action Research' in IEEE proceedings TILT-2014 (page no:345-346)
- 'Breaking the Glass Ceiling through Feminine Style of Leadership', in Human Rights International Research Journal, 2014 volume 2 issue 1 (page no:568-569) ISSN 2320-6942
- 'An Insight into Winning the Way through Feminine Style of Leadership', in the Global Journal for Research Analysis,2014, volume 3 issue 8(Page no:74-75), A peer reviewed and referred International Journal ISSN 277-8160/DOI:10.15373/22778160/Impact Factor:1.5408
- 'Fabricating the Learning Styles to Meet the 21st Century Language Needs', in the International Research Journal of English Language and Literature volume, 2013, 1 issue 2 (page no:39-41) ISSN 2321-3108
- 'Reaching the Next Generation Learners through Graphic Realia', in IMRF English Studies International Research Journal, 2013, volume 1 issue 1 (page no: 143-147) ISSN 2347-3479
- 'Activity Based Grammar Teaching to the New Millennium Learners', in Tata McGraw & Hill ISBN-13:978-1-25-906391-6, 2013
- 'Outcome Based Education in Teaching English for Specific Purpose: Issues and Challenges', in a two-day national conference on Innovations in Teaching ESL and Literature: The Present and the Future (ITESLLPF) on 30th September and 1st October 2019, organised by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology Warangal
- 'Evaluating Writing Practice Using Cambridge English-Write & Improve: A Close Study on Select Employees of Yamyah IT Services, Andhra Pradesh', in 5th International Conference on 'Science Technology & Management' organized by DIIF in August, 2017
- 'Using Literature to Impart Language Skill to Engineering Students', in a two-day conference on 'Pedagogy of Literature in English and/or English Literature in Indian Classroom Context: Notions, Opportunities and Challenges' organized by Dravidian University RUSA sponsored during 29th - 31st August 2016
- Peer evaluation promotes active learning an experimental study in an international conference technical convergence for information health food and energy security organized by CLRI Council of Scientific Research in association with ISEE & CAASMR during 1st & 2nd May 2015
- 'Literature in language classroom: an experimental study', in a two-day UGC sponsored national seminar on new directions in English language and literature organized by ANU Nambur during 13th & 14th February,2015
- 'Collaborative learning using literary texts in ESL classroom: An experimental study', in an international interdisciplinary conference on language, literature cultural studies and knowledge resources-LLCSKR-2015 at Vignan's Foundation for Science Technology and Research Institute during 5th & 6th February, 2015
- 'Ethical Pluralism Versus Moral Realism' in an international interdisciplinary conference organized by Institute of cross cultural studies and academic exchange during 6th to 8th January 2015
- 'Peer Evaluation Promotes Active Learning-A Case Study from ESL Classroom of I B. Tech Students', in a two-day UGC sponsored national seminar on 'English Language Teaching at Undergraduate Level in India - A Research Perspective' at Sri Velagapudi Ramakrishna Memorial College during 28th & 29th November, 2014
- 'Developing Communication Skills of Engineering Graduates through Project Work: An Action Research', in an international conference on 'Trends and Innovations in Language Teaching' organized by Sathyabama University during 14th & 15th November, 2014
- 'An Insight into Winning the Way through Feminine Style of Leadership', in a UGC sponsored international seminar on 'Women Entrepreneurship, a Global Perspective' organized by KBN college on 6th&7th August 2014
- 'Breaking the Glass Ceiling through Feminine Style of Leadership', in an international conference on 'Women Empowerment ICWE-2014' during 7th & 8th March, 2014
- 'Reaching the Next Generation Learners through Graphic Realia', in a two-day international conference on 'English Studies' organized by International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation during 22nd & 23rd November,2013
- 'Activity Based Grammar Teaching to the New Millennium Learners', in 9th ICEG 'Lexicogrammar & the New Millennium Learners', organized by NTSI, ICSSR & The School of Social Sciences & Languages, VIT University, Vellore during 3rd to 5th January 2013
- 'Disconnection in Today's Ultra-Connected Work Place: Strategic HR Measures', in a two-day UGC & APSCHE sponsored national conference on 'Changing Scenario of Human Resources in India' organized by the Department of MBA, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nambur during 18th & 19th October,2012
- 'Gender Mainstreaming -Not a Tug of War', in a UGC sponsored national seminar, organized by the Department of English, C R Reddy Autonomous College, Eluru on 3rd September, 2012
- 'The Intrinsic Effect of Emotional States in the Communication Context-A Survey', in a two-day national conference on 'English for Specific Purposes-NCESP' organized by APSCHE & & Krishna University during 4th & 5th of February,2011
- 'Fostering Independent Learning in Large Class Rooms of Mixed Ability Learners through Cooperative Learning Techniques', in a three-day international conference on 'Applied Linguistics' organized by the Department of English, Nagarjuna University, Nambur during 15th to 18th December,2010
- 'Some Considerations on ELT', in a two-day UGC sponsored seminar on 'Methods, Materials and Techniques of Teaching English Language' organized by the Department of English, JKC College, Guntur during 24th & 25th of June,2010
- 'The Role of Project Work in English Language Teaching', in a two-day national seminar on 'Linguistics and Grammar-A Neo-Colonial Perspective' organized by the Department of English, Sri Subbaraya & Narayana College, Narasaraopet during 6th & 7th of August, 2009
- 'The Role of Project Work in Language Teaching', in a two-day conference on 'Communication & Soft Skills from Academia & Corporate Perspectives-CACP-2009' organized by the Department of English, National Institute of Technology, Warangal under TEQUIP during 5th & 6th of January,2009
- 'Wings of Fire: The Auto Biography of APJ Abdul Kalam', in a two-day national conference on 'New Trends in Asian & African Literatures in English' organized by the Department of English, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nambur during 21st & 22nd February 2008
- 'Emerging Trends in English Language and the Role of an English Teacher', in a two-day national conference on 'Emerging Trends in English Language Teaching' organized by the Department of English, VR Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada during 9th & 10th of November 2007
- Participated & completed AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Stress Management" from 2020-11-20 to 2020-11-24 at National Institute of Technology Warangal.
- Participated & completed AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Productivity enhancement" from 2020-11-3 to 2020-11-7 at Punjab University.
- Attended 8-week MOOC (December 2019 to July 2020) conducted by AE E-Teacher Winter 2020 on "Using Educational Technology in the English Language Classroom"
- Attended the online workshop on "Modern Methods for Remote Teaching-Learning Practices from 11-05-2020 to 17-05-2020, organised by Krishna University
- Attended ELT@I webinars series 2020 held in the month of April & May
- Attended "Cambridge Series of Webinars", organised by Cambridge University Press from 18-05-2020 to 22-05-2020
- Attended a five-day FDP on "Teaching English Online", organised by Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology from 27-05-2020 to 31-05-2020
- Attended a five-day online course on "Communication Skills for Professionals", organised by AVS College of Arts & Science from 13-04-2020 to 17-04-2020
- Participated in a four-day webinar on "An Effective Research Paper Writing Skills" from 13-04-2020 to 16-04-2020, organised by Bhagvan Mahaveer University
- Secured "SWAYAM ARPIT ONLINE COURSE CERTIFICATION" for successfully completing the ARPIT Course for Career Advancement Scheme(CAS) promotion, Annual Refresher Programme in English Language Teaching with a "C" Grade in the proctored examination held on 16.02.2020, Gujarat University
- A two-day national conference on Innovations in Teaching ESL and Literature: The Present and the Future (ITESLLPF) on 30th September and 1st October 2019 at NIT Warangal
- A one-day seminar on 'Academic Excellence-Creating Climate through Communication' organized by IBS, ICFAI on 02-08-2019
- A three-day faculty development programme on 'Business Communication & Value science' organized by TCS Talent Team, Geetanjali Park, Calcutta during 15-07-2019 to 17-07-2019
- A five-day national workshop on 'NBA Accreditation' organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Research from 17-06-2019 and 21-06-2019
- A two-day national workshop on 'Emerging Trends in English language Teaching for Engineering Graduates' organized by the Department of English, Bapatla Engineering College in association with Indian Society for Technical Education on 23-03-2019 and 24-03-2019
- A two-day workshop on 'Leadership Opportunities for Professional Women' organized by IEEE Guntur subsection in association with IEEE WIEAG at Efftronics Systems Pvt. Ltd., Vijayawada on 27-10-2018 and 28-10-2018
- A one-day national workshop on 'Need Based Curriculum in ELT: Perspectives and Possibilities' organized by the department of English, KL University, Vaddeswaram on 03-08-2017
- Cambridge English CELTA held from 10th April to 6th May 2017
- A two-day national workshop on 'Learning Centered English Language Class Rooms' organized by JNTUK Narasaraopet during 24th & 25th March,2017
- 'National Women's Parliament' organized by the Legislative Assembly of Andhra Pradesh during 10th- 12th February 2017
- Short term training programme on 'Developing More Purposeful English Courses in Engineering and Degree Colleges' organized by NIT Warangal during 24th-26th April 2015
- A three-day national workshop on 'Midlife Transition-Opportunities and Challenges' organized by VFSTR University from 6th -8th November 2014
- Cambridge English 'Teachers Support Workshop' from 30th August to 1st September, 2014
- 'Faculty Induction Programme' organized by Faculty Development Academy, VFSTRU during 12th -21st May 2014
- Cambridge English 'Teachers Support Workshop' on 16-03-2014
- A three-day workshop on 'English Proficiency Course' organized by VFSTR University during 20th -22nd September 2013
- A three-day workshop on 'Innovative Pedagogies for Enhancing the Employability Skills of Students' organized by Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Goa Campus during 4th to 6th September 2013
- A two-day faculty development programme on 'English Teaching Strategies' organized by Tirumala Engineering College during 7th & 8th September, 2012
- State level one-day workshop on 'Teaching Phonetic Skills' held at JKC college on 13-10-2012
- A one-day workshop on 'Women Empowerment through Awareness of Health, Hygiene and Nutrition' conducted by JNTU Kakinada on 26-04- 2011
- A two-day faculty development programme on 'Etiquette, Manners and Value System across Cultures and their Impact on Work Culture' organized by Tirumala Engineering College during 12th & 13th September, 2009
- A two-day faculty development programme on 'Soft Skills' organized by RVR&JC College of Engineering during 16th & 17th March, 2009
- A six-day faculty enablement programme, 'Soft Skills' conducted by IEG-JKC & Globerena during 13th to 17th October, 2008
- A three-day national workshop 'Fusion-Train the Trainers' at C R Reddy College of Engineering, Eluru during 15th to 17th November, 2007
- A four week UGC sponsored orientation course at JNTU Hyderabad during 22-08-2005 to 20-09-2005
- Delivered a Webinar on YOGA-A POTENT WAY TO BEAT THE PANDEMIC to the girl students of RVR&JC on 26-09-2020 under LADY ADVISORY & INTERNAL COMPLAINTS COMMITTEE.
- 'Entrepreneur Motivation & Life Skills' to 3rd year students in a three-day Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp organized by Entrepreneurship and Management Development Cell-EMDC, RVR&JC College of Engineering on 12-09-2019
- 'Entrepreneur Motivation & Sustainable Business Models' to 3rd year students in a three-day Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp organized by Entrepreneurship and Management Development Cell-EMDC, RVR&JC College of Engineering on 28-02-2019
- 'Entrepreneur Motivation & Sustainable Business Models' to 3rd year students in a three-day Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp organized by Entrepreneurship and Management Development Cell-EMDC, RVR&JC College of Engineering on 20-12-2018
- 'Emotional Development in Youth' to 1st B. Tech girl students in an awareness programme organized by Lady Advisory Committee, LAC, RVR&JC College of Engineering on 05-10-2018
- 'Entrepreneur Motivation & Life skills' to 3rd year students in a three-day Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp organized by Entrepreneurship and Management Development Cell, RVR&JC College of Engineering on 30-8-2018
- 'Project based teaching method' in teacher orientation programme organized by academy for faculty development, VFSTRU during 15th to 18th May 2017
- 'People Skills and Etiquette' to III B. Tech students of Dhanekula Institute of Engineering and Technology on 11-10-2014
- 'Communicating the right attitude is the need of the hour' to the I B. Tech students of VRS & YRS Engineering College, Chirala on 16-12-2011
- 'Adolescence, a turning point' to SSC students of Sri Chaitanya techno School, Moghul raj Puram, Vijayawada on 10-09-2011
- 'The dimensions of communication' to I B. Tech students of Tirumala Engineering College, Narasaraopet on 24-10-2009
- 'Personality Development and Attitude Building' to MCA students of PNC Degree College on 14-08-2009
- 'Common Errors in English' in a three-day workshop to the teachers of CARE Public School, Narasaraopet during 15th to 17th June 2007
- 'Developing Emotional Quotient and the Art of Communication' in an orientation programme for 10th class boarders held on 26-11- 2005
- Question Paper setter for I. B. Tech, III B. Tech and M.B.A English papers
- Member of Reviewers' Committee for International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed & Indexed Research Journal, Research Chronicler- ISSN 2347 - 5021 (Print) ISSN 2347 - 503X (Online)
- Member of ELT@I - Journal of English Language Teaching
Contact Details:
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics and Humanities
R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering
Chowdavaram, Guntur - 522 019
Andhra Pradesh
Phone: (O) +91-9491073317 & 18 - Ext. 361
Mobile: 9849541999
EMail: kodalisujatha@rvrjc.ac.in