Dr. P. Anantha Lakshmi
Designation: Assistant Professor
Date of Joining: 06-11-2014
Research Interests: Functional English, Indian writing in English, African American Writing, ELT to (Students with Special Needs/Disabled )
Ph. D from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Hyderabad.
Topic - African American predicament in select novels of Toni Morrison
M.Phil from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur.
Topic -A Study of Select Novels of Shashi Deshpande.
M.A (English Literature) from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
Topic- Romantics
M.A in Political Science from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur.
PGCTE from EFLU, Hyderabad.
Topic-Higher Education ( Secondary education).
2 Levels in French language.
Total teaching experience in this college: 10 Years and 8 Months.
Total experience : 29 Years and 8 Months. (as on 06-03-2025)

Work Experience:
06-11-2014 - Till date: Asst. Prof in English, R.V.R. & J.C.C.E, Chowdavaram, Guntur, A. P. India.
(2011-2014) Assistant Professor ,K L University, VADDESWARAM
(2009-2011) Assistant Professor ,Sagar Institute of Technology, Chevella, Hyderabad.
(2007-2009) Assistant Professor, Progressive Engineering College, Cheekatimamidi, Hyderabad.
(2006-2007) Assistant Professor, Narayana Engineering College, Nellore.
(2005-2006) Assistant Professor, Chirala Engineering College, Chirala.
(1994-2005) Lecturer at B.B.H Degree college, Vetapalem.
Research Profile
Book Publications:
SCOPUS Indexed
Attended and presented a paper titled
Participated in
Department of Mathematics and Humanities
R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering
Chowdavaram, Guntur - 522 019
Andhra Pradesh
Phone: (O) +91-9491073317 & 18 - Ext. 361
E-mail: sbsrikrishna@gmail.com
Date of Joining: 06-11-2014
Research Interests: Functional English, Indian writing in English, African American Writing, ELT to (Students with Special Needs/Disabled )
Ph. D from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Hyderabad.
Topic - African American predicament in select novels of Toni Morrison
M.Phil from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur.
Topic -A Study of Select Novels of Shashi Deshpande.
M.A (English Literature) from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
Topic- Romantics
M.A in Political Science from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur.
PGCTE from EFLU, Hyderabad.
Topic-Higher Education ( Secondary education).
2 Levels in French language.
Total teaching experience in this college: 10 Years and 8 Months.
Total experience : 29 Years and 8 Months. (as on 06-03-2025)

06-11-2014 - Till date: Asst. Prof in English, R.V.R. & J.C.C.E, Chowdavaram, Guntur, A. P. India.
(2011-2014) Assistant Professor ,K L University, VADDESWARAM
(2009-2011) Assistant Professor ,Sagar Institute of Technology, Chevella, Hyderabad.
(2007-2009) Assistant Professor, Progressive Engineering College, Cheekatimamidi, Hyderabad.
(2006-2007) Assistant Professor, Narayana Engineering College, Nellore.
(2005-2006) Assistant Professor, Chirala Engineering College, Chirala.
(1994-2005) Lecturer at B.B.H Degree college, Vetapalem.
Research Profile
Book Publications:
- Authored a book titled THE PSYCHOSOMATIC PREDICAMENT IN SELECT NOVELS OF TONI MORRISON: A STUDY, ISBN (Print): 978-81-933199-3-2 .KY Publications.
- Authored a book titled Influence of Indian Culture in the Portrayal of Women in Shashi Deshpande's Novels, ISBN (Print): 978-81-933198-3-2.
- International Book Publication : A research article titled The Sublime Facet of Nature in the Selected Poems of Wordsworth published in Voices of eco-literature: Critical essays and global perspectives by Academia press, Washington , London 2021. Identifiers:LCCN2020952316,ISBN 9781680539592(hardcover) ISBN 9781680537949(ebook)
- A research article titled Role of Sisterhoods in Enhancing and Enduring Strategies in Indian Women in a book The Fiction Unfolded :CriticalGazes on Indian Women Novelists in English, ISBN:978-93-89615-77-7, Authorspress, India, 2020, pg 34-40
- A research article titled Enhancing Language through Literature : Challenges and Remedies in a book English Language and Literature in the Era of Globalization, VOLUME-II, ISBN:978-93-88008-81-5, Authorspress, India, 2018, pg 78-86
- A research article titled Tabloid Newspaper: An English Teacher's Magical Wand , in a book English Language and Literature in the Era of Globalization, VOLUME-II, ISBN:978-93-88008-81-5 Authors press, India, 2018, pg:194-206.
- A research article titled Psychosomatic Agony in Sudha Murthy's Mahashwetha and Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye, in a book Indian Writings in English: An Exploration. ISBN:978-93-5171-085-1, Research India Press, India, 2017, pg 130-134.
- An article titled The Bhagavad gita-A Source to Leadership in abook titled The Bhagavadgita: To Become the Best Teacher ISBN:978-93-5268-196-9, Elt@i, Tirupati chapter Publications, India, 2017, pg 63-65.
SCOPUS Indexed
- Green Energy Utilization and Barriers of Solar and Hydro Power Technologies in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), an ELSEVIER SCOPUS INDEXED and UGC recognized Journal, VOL: 10 , ISSUE:3, June( 2020)
- Green Energy Utilization and Barriers of Solar and Hydro Power Technologies in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), an ELSEVIER SCOPUS INDEXED and UGC recognized Journal.VOL: 10, ISSUE:3, June ( 2020)
- Diasporic Cognizancein The Works Of Rohinton Mistry in a UGC CARE Journal and peer-reviewed open access journal titled THINK INDIA (Quarterly Journal) ISSN: 0971-1260 Vol-22-Issue-3-July-September-2019 pg- 1455 -1459, Indexed with Cross ref and DOI https://doi.org/10.26643/think-india
- Decolonization and its Impact on English Language in India in a UGC approved research journal titled Review of Research, an International Multi-disciplinary journal , 16Feb 2019, ArticleNo:48514, ISSN:2249-894X , Impact factor; 5.7631, pg no-6-10.
- 'Amalgamation of Technology in English Language Teaching: Challenges and Remedies' in a Two-day International Multidisciplinary Conference on "Knowledge ,Sharing,Technological Advancements & Sustainable Development" UGC Approved care IJREAM,IMC2K18, ISSN : 2454-9150Impact factor 5.646,special issue. an online journal Indexed with UGC, DOI, Google Scholar ( article no 21)
- Onus of Family, Teachers &Society in Inculcating Values and Professional Ethics to an Engineering Student, An international journal, IJMART,ISSN:2349-7409,IMPACT FACTOR-2.061 Vol-iv, Issue(2),Sep 2017.pg-91-94.
- Interpersonal Communication Skills at Workplace with an Emphasis on Teachers and Students, Interpersonal Communication Skills at Workplace with an Emphasis on Teachers and Students, in Research India journal ISSN (O): 2456-2696. RJOE, Oray Publications, International Citation Indexing (ICI), International Scientific Indexing (ISI), Cosmos, Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI), Google Scholar,.:Impact factor:4.845Vol.2, Special Issue-1, pp. 121-128, March 2017
- A glimpse of tortured psyche of Indian women in Shashi Despande's The Binding Vine in IJMMS ,an International online journal, ISSN (Online): 2350-0476 ISSN (Print): 2394-207X.impact factor: 4.205,VOL-4,Issue- I,January2017.
- The Bhagavadgita-An Anvil to Mould Personality Traits, in IJMMS an International online journal, ISSN (Online): 2350-0476 ISSN (Print): 2394-207X. impact factor: 4.205,VOL-4,Issue- I,January2017.
- Is Sula Really an Alienated Self? In IJMMS,International online journal, ISSN ): 2350-0476 ISSN (Print): 2394-207X.impact factor: 4.205, volume-iii, issue-vi ,June, 2016.
- What is she after marriage? in IJMMS, an International ONLINE JOURNAL, ISSN (Online): 2350-0476 ISSN (Print): 2394-207X.IMPACT FACTOR: 4.205,Vol-III, Issue- VMAY,2016MAY,2016.
- Struggle for Intrinsic Selfhood in Lee Maracle's Bobbi Lee, I Am Woman, and Beatrice Culleton's In Search of April Raintree' in Indian Chronicle of English Literature Peer Reviewed & Refereed International Journal on New Directions in English Language & Literature, special issue- 2015, pp. 22-26. ISSN: 2321-0818.( a collaborative paper)
- Loss of Self in Margaret Atwood's The Edible Woman, in Review of Research, an International ONLINE JOURNAL ,ISSN No :2249-894X, Vol-III, Issue- VIII, May 2014,Impact factor:2.0129.
- Maya Angelou's Negritude in Select Novels in Golden Research Thoughts an International Journal. ISSNNo.2231-5063,Vol-3,Issue-4 October 2013,Impact factor:1.2018,
- Song of Solomon-The Rejuvenation of Legacy, in Golden Research Thoughts an International Journal.ISSN No. -2231-5063, Impact:1.2018,Vol-3,Issue-11 May 2013,
- Portrayal of Women in Shashi Deshpande's Roots & Shadows in Indian Streams Research Journal, an International Journal, ISSN No.-2230-7850,Vol:3,Issue: 3,April 2013,Impact Factor:0.2105
- Charles Dickens-Style & Narrative Technique in Select novels, in Contemporary Research in India, an International journal ,ISSN No.2231-2137, Vol:2,Issue:3,September 2012.
- Redemption of Womanhood in Rabindranath Tagore's Chokher Bali in Contemporary Research in India, an International Journal, ISSN No.2231-2137, Vol:2,Issue:3,September 2012.
- The African American Cultural Erosion in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye.in Contemporary Research in India, A National Journal, ISSN No:0976-5964, Vol:-3,Issue-2, August 2012.
Attended and presented a paper titled
- Green Energy Utilization and Barriers of Solar and Hydro Power Technologies at AICTE sponsored "International Conference on Advances in Renowned Renewable Energy Technologies (ICARRET)-2019" during 23-24 October 2019 at V.R. Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada.
- Decolonization and its Impact on English Language in Indiain A A One-Day National Conference on "Emerging Trends in English Language Teaching and Literature" (NCETELTL-2019)on 14th September 2019organized by Department of English, IIIT R.K.Valley, RGUKT-AP-516330 ,Vempalli Mandal, YSR Kadapa Dist., A.P.
- "Ambedkar's perspective on Indian women". Abstract included in souvenir in A Two day National Seminar on "Impact of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar's Philosophy on Indian Literature" at Acharya Nagarjuna University, organized by Dr.Ambedkar Chair & BahujanaRachayitalaVedika, A.P on28th & 29th March 2018.
- Impact of Marginalization in Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence by Doris Pilkington Garimara and Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye. Abstract is included in the proceedings and in the souvenir of the conference. A Two day International Seminar on Novel Issues in Indian Writing in English on 23rd &24th February 2018, at JKC College, Guntur, A.P
- A Two-day International Multidisciplinary Conference on "Knowledge ,Sharing, Technological Advancements & Sustainable Development" organized by Dept of Freshman Engg, PVPSIT, Kanuru, Vijayawada on 28/2/2018 to30/2/18.
- Enhancing Language through Literature : Challenges and Remedies.Abstract is included in the proceedings and in the souvenir of the conference. This paper was conferred best paper award .A Two day National Conference on English language and literature in the Era of Globalization at Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada on 16th&17thFebruary 2018
- Onus of Family , Teachers &Society in Inculcating Values and Professional Ethics to an Engineering Student. in National Seminar on Social Responsibility and Ethics in Higher Education, on 01-09-2017,VSR&NVR College, Tenali and presented a paper entitled
- Interpersonal Communication Skills at Workplace with an Emphasis on Teachers and Students . Abstract is included in the proceedings and in the souvenir of the National Conference on Communication Skills for professional Excellence at PVPSIT Kanuru, Vijayawada on 24th March 2017 .
- Ethics and Human values in Engineering a Two day National Seminar on organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur during 05 -06 January, 2017.
- Enrichment of Personality through Study of Literature. Abstract is included in the proceedings and in the souvenir of the Seminar, 11th International and 47th Annual ELT@I Conference at Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad,on 1st &2nd July 2016
- March to Make in India , A Two day National Seminar on through Engineering Advancements Engineering Advancements (MMIEA) (MMIEA) September 29-30, 2016
- The Predicament of Identity in Follow the Rabbit Proof Fence by Dorris Pilkington Garimara. Abstract is included in the proceedings of the Seminar a UGC Sponsored Global Seminar on Celebrating the Ancient /Contemporary Wisdom of Fourth World on 14-16 December,2015 organised by Department of English, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur..
- Struggle for Intrinsic Selfhood in Lee Maracle's Bobbi Lee, I Am Woman, and Beatrice Culleton's In Search of April Raintree in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on New Directions in English Language & literature, organized by Department of English, Acharya Nagarjuna University,Guntur, A.P, during 13-14 February 2015. (a collaborative paper)
- Role of Emotional Intelligence in Developing Interpersonal Communication is presented. Abstract is included in the proceedings of the National Conference on Communication Skills for Academic Excellence and Career Development on 28 March ,2014 organised by The Faculty of English Department of Freshman Engineering, Prasad V Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Kanuru, Vijayawada.
- Soft Skills Inculcated from Indian Culture and Epics is presented. Abstract is included in the proceedings of the National Seminar on English Language and Soft Skills: Problems and Perspectives on January 2014 organised by ELTAI Tirupathi Chapter .
- Identity crisis in Margaret Atwood's The Edible Woman is presented. Abstract is included in the proceedings of the International Conference on Cultural Spaces in Canada and India on 27th to 29th January 2014 organised by Department of English , Sri Venkateswara University , Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh, India, in association with IACS.
- Multiculturalism in classroom Teaching in International Conference on Translation, Language & Literature organized by Dept. of English on 26th& 27th Oct 2013, K L University, Vaddeswaram.
- Use of Figurative Language & Dramatic Techniques in Charles Dickens Works in two day UGC National Seminar on Charles Dickens: A Novelist Par Excellence organized by Sri Venkateswara University on 2012
- The African American Cultural Erosion-Loss of Identity in the Bluest Eye is presented. Abstract is included in proceedings of International Seminar on Women's Writing in English on 28th - 30th January 2012 organized by Dept. of English, Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswavidyalam, Tirupathi .
- Rabindranath Tagore's Chokher Bali in UGC Seminar on Rabindranath Tagore as a Sesquicentenary Rendezvous on 1st& 2nd March 2012, organized by Sri Venkateswara University ,Tirupathi. Courses
- Completed NPTEL course "Developing Soft Skills and Personality" conducted by IIT KANPUR, during Aug- OCT 2019 and obtained ELITE & Silver certificate, which is also recognized as FDP by AICTE.
- A One-day workshop on Student Centred Teaching Methods on 16-2-2018 organized by Department of English, Government College for Women(A),Guntur .
- Resource person to A UGC sponsored Two-Day Workshop conducted by Government College for Women (A)on "Improving Communication Skills and Soft Skills for Enhancing Employability" on February 14th and 15th 2020
- Resource person to online webinar conducted by Government College for Women (A)on "Integrating Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning" in a One Day National Webinar on "Post Lockdown Academic Challenges in Higher Educational Institutions", organised by IQAC of Government College for Women (A),Guntur on 28/05/2020.
Participated in
- AICTE sponsored QIP Short-Term-Course (STC) on "Appreciating Linguistics :An Interdisciplinary Approach" 7th - 12th, October 2019 , organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences IIT Madras.
- Work shop on Safety Measures in labs during September 2019 in R.V.R.&J.C.CE, GUNTUR.
- Undergone a two day "Training Programme On Internal Audits of ISO 9001 Quality Management System(ISO 9001:2015)" ICT based one week STTP work shop organised by NITTR Kolkata on "NBA Accreditation(ICT SPL)" during 17-22 June2019 in R.V.R.&J.C.CE, GUNTUR.
- Attended and participated in a ICT based one week STTP work shop organised by NITTR Kolkata on "NBA Accreditation(ICT SPL)" during 17-22June2019in R.V.R.&J.C.CE, GUNTUR.
- Attended and participated in a National Workshop on Emerging Trends in English Language Teaching for Engineering Graduates on 23rd& 24th of March 2019, organized by Department of English, Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla in association with ISTE.
- Attended and participated in A UGC sponsored ONE day state level workshop on Translation Methods15th of March 2019 organized by Dept of English, Govt College for Women(A), Guntur.
- Attended and participated in A UGC sponsored Two day state level workshop on Student Centered Teaching Methods on 22nd&23rd February 2019 organized by Dept of English, Government College for Women(A),Guntur .
- Participated in a Two day national workshop on The Application of Technology for Teaching and Learning of English Language Skills organized by VFSTR (VignanUniversity,Vadlamudi ) in collaboration with ELT@I on 22nd&23rd December,2018 .
- Attended and participated in a Two-day workshop on 'Happy Living in Smart Cities' on 30th - 31st March, 2018.
- Attended and participated in A One-day workshop on Student Centered Teaching Methods on 16-2-2018 organized by Dept of English, Govt College for Women(A),Guntur .
- Participated and successfully completed Atal academy online FDP on Emotional Intelligence at International management instiotute ,Bhubaneswar from 18/1/2021 to 22/1/2021.
- Participated and successfully completed Atal academy online FDP on Leadership and Excellence from 13/1/2021 to 17/1/2021at KIIT School of Management KIIT University
- Participated in an AICTE sponsored Two week Online Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology ,Design of Experiments for Engineers and Researchers from 7/12/2020 to 19/12/2020 conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, R.V.R.&J.C.CE, Chowdavaram.
- Participated in an AICTE sponsored QIP Short-Term-Course (STC) on Appreciating Linguistics :An Interdisciplinary Approach 7th - 12th, October 2019 ,Department of Humanities and Social Sciences IIT Madras.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching - Learning Process Conducted by IIT, Bombay from SEP14, 2017 to OCT12, 2017 a two week FDP201X course, ID 1353.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme foundation program in ict for education conducted by IIT ,Bombay from August 3, 2017 to September a two week FDP101X course.
- Participated in A national workshop on Need Based Curriculum In ELT : and Perspectives and Practices conducted by Prof. S. A. Thameemul Ansari, Prof of English, Department of English, University of Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia orgainized by KL University,Vaddeswaram, Guntur(DT)on 31st August 2017.
- Attended AICTE two week FDP on Innovations on Renewable energy harvesting and environment friendly process technologies for sustainable development, organized by department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur, during 23-10-2017 to 04-11-2017.
- Attended a one day work shop on "Teaching Communication Skills" on 9th August 2017 organized by Dept of English at J.K.C, Guntur, A.P.
- Attended a 2 week Training program organized by Govt of A.P in collaboration with British Council titled "APSCHE English Communication Skills Project" at R.V.R. & J.C.C.E, Guntur
- Participated in A Two day National Seminar on March to Make in India through March to Make in India through Engineering Advancements Engineering Advancements (MMIEA) (MMIEA) September 29-30, 2016.
- Participated a Faculty Development Programme on Entrepreneurship Development organised by Govt of India from 5/3/2014 to 18/3/2014 in KL University campus
- participated in a Quality Improvement Programme organized by National Institute of Technical Teacher Training & Research, Chennai from 14.5.2012 to 18.5.2012 (4 days)K L University and participated in a short term course on Instructional Design & Delivery System at KL University campus
- Participated in a Faculty Development Program on "Emotional intelligence on a webinar" organised by Dept of Business Administration ,Veltech Ranga Sanku Arts college, Avadi, Chennai on 20/5/2020.
- Participated in a webinar on "Solar Energy: Introduction and Current Trends in India" organised by Dept of Electrical and Communication Engineering, Poornima Institute of Engineering and Technology , KOTA on 4/6/2020.
- Participated in a webinar on research in "Sucessful Steps to High Quality Scientific Publications" organised by Chalapathi institute of technology , Guntur on 18/5/2020
- Participated in a webinar on "Protecting Environment :Our Responsibilities" organised by Science City of A.P.on the eve of World Environment Day 5th June,2020
- Participated in awebinar on research in "Inter discip[linary International Symposium" organised by Dept of English, Andhra Loyola institute of engineering and technology, Vijayawada on 9/6/2020.
- Participated in Two days online state level Faculty Development Program organised by Dept of English SNS college of technology Coimbatore on 9/6/2020&10/6/2020
- Participated in a webinar on research in "English Language Teaching" organised by Dept of English , GITAM School of Humanities and social sciences , Hyderabad from 15/6/2020 to 22/6/2020.
- Best paper award was conferred for the research paper titled Enhancing Language through Literature: Challenges and Remedies by Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada on February ,2018.
- Campus Teaching Award based on student evaluations at Progressive Engineering College, Hyderabad, 2007-2009,2011 at Sagar Institute of Engineering& FABS,Hyderabad
- Worked as an Associate Editor for International Journal of English Research ISSN: 2455-2186 is Indexed in Copernicus, Google Scholar.(Jan 2017-19)
- Worked as a part time faculty teaching M.A. English Literature(Britsih Literature, Indian Writing in English)from 2009 to 2014 in Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University,JKC college study center, Guntur .
- Online Counsellor(Working as a part time faculty teaching B.Com, B.A.from 2017 to tilldate )in IGNOU, NEWDELHI ,TJPS college study center, Guntur
- Mini Projects: (2019- tilldate) Handling a mini project on Teaching Methods to Enhance Learning Skills in Disabled / Special Needs children.
- Handled Mini projects in English language for I.& III.B.Tech students at KL UNIVERSITY , III.B.Tech at RVR&JCCE.
- 2007-2009-Nodal Officer-JNTU Spot Evaluation camp - Progressive Engineering College, Hyderabad.
- Acted as Question Paper setter for I.B.Tech, M.B.A, Business Communication & Soft Skills, Political Science.
- Membership:
An active member of Elt@i from 2006 till date,
Member of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) - Member of Language and Cultural Committee, R.V.R. &J.C.CE,.Member of Anti -Ragging Committee
Department of Mathematics and Humanities
R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering
Chowdavaram, Guntur - 522 019
Andhra Pradesh
Phone: (O) +91-9491073317 & 18 - Ext. 361
E-mail: sbsrikrishna@gmail.com